
I disagree with the comment about winning the Presidency for only the Health Care Change platform. The country wanted change and Obama was built up as the the Rock-Star to provide it. The Republican candidate was not a good challenge to the Democratic hype machine. Change just for "change" as we see it now, isn't all its cracked up to be. Don't get me wrong, there were problems with the prior administration.

Just look at what has happened with the deficit (I know some of that spending was required for the greedy bugger financial institutions, auto industry, insurance companies, etc - hopefully those individuals which have hurt so many will be dealt-with properly now and in the after-life), but spending is and will continue to be out of control with the self serving "back-door deals". When is enough really enough - when do they stop and work for the good of the country?

This "self supporting - not" Health Care bill will affect the deficit as we continue to borrow for its support in the future. The reserve they build up for 4 years is not going to a trust, it would be very tempting for anyone to use it at will, it's not protected. I fear for our children's and grand-children's financial future which affects their quality of life.

The people committing the acts of violence should be in jail. There are other ways the get people's attention and be heard.

Be sure to vote, it a right and a privilage.

In SI, a little termination and attention to layout goes a long way. In EMC, without SI, you'll spend 80% of the effort on the last 3dB.