Yeah, I went for them, but sadly I can usually find something I need at Costco. This time it was work out shorts and t-shirts.

I'm perfectly happy with that Amazon price. I'll probably go ahead and get some. The only problem will be that I have to burn through my alkalines first, and I have a Costco pack of those! That's okay, though, because my Tivo Series 3 glow-remote goes through batteries like crazy.

Side note: could someone explain something for me? For a couple years, I'd go through the batteries in my Tivo remote fairly regularly. I'd say that every 2-3 months I'd notice performance on the remote decreasing substantially, so I'd replace the [four!] AAA batteries inside. Well, eventually I ordered a battery tester from Amazon. The next time I took the batteries out of the Tivo remote I tested all of them and was shocked: three of the batteries were at nearly full capacity, and only one of them was completely dead.

Is this normal? It just seems weird to me. And it's been the case every single time since then. The interval has remained the same, but thankfully now I know I only have to replace one battery each time, essentially quadrupling the life of batteries in that remote.