Originally Posted By: msaeger
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'm not sure, but I prefer Sumatra PDF. It's barebones, way faster than either Foxit or Acrobat, and I haven't liked the obfuscation that Foxit tries to pull on people who just want to download their free reader.

So does it work in Chrome ? I don't care what it is I just want something that opens pdfs fast in Chrome.

Hmm...sorry, I just played with that, and I guess it doesn't. Though frankly, I kind of like that it doesn't. No matter what program I've used, it always takes forever to load a PDF inside the browser. I'd rather it download to my desktop and I can open it far quicker. I just ran an informal side-by-side, and Acrobat opened in about 8 seconds, whereas Sumatra opened in less than 1.