Been following the news out of the Google I/O conference lately, and it looks like a lot of interesting things are being announced.

Day 1 was mostly focused on web related items, with the big ones being:

  • VP8 being opened as WebM. Basically an attempt at an open media specification to compete against H.264. Biggest issues I see are lack of patent immunity to users of it, and getting companies/hardware to support it. I like the concept, but this may turn real ugly soon with patent issues, and will be yet another rift between what browsers support what video formats.
  • Google Wave is now open to everyone. For those who still care.
  • Chrome Web Store. Basically an App store like approach for web apps. Google will allow paid apps here, and the idea is to allow finding apps easier. Should be great for users of ChromiumOS, hard to say how well it will do on the desktop or mobile side though. The one weird thing to me is that it's not limited to HTML5, plugins are allowed and were used during the demo for Plants vs Zombies. I wonder if this is still the old NS based plugin approach from ages ago, or something newer. Could add problems for Chromium on Arm.

Being that each day has been pretty packed with stuff, I'll make a second thread for day 2, with all the Android stuff.