Originally Posted By: msaeger

Yes! I'd forgotten about that video! I wish I had one in my home! Well, at the very least I'd like one in the area...

Originally Posted By: matthew_k
We've got a wall of those at work. If you need a cable, anything-vga adapter, power splitter, generic power supply or similar you just take it off the wall. When you're done with it, you put it back in a returns bin and it gets sorted out and put back in the right pocket on the wall. Really brilliant. Really worth the $50 a year in USB cables that might accidentally walk out the door.

Yeah, I've been looking for a good way to organize those types of items (other than the "in a mess on my desk system" that's worked so well for me), and I think this will have nailed it.

That being said, I don't think we have any cue cats.

I love my cue cat! I don't use it much anymore, but it's the one bit of useless electronics that I didn't purge in this go around.