Apps Organizer (The Android Launcher's built-in folders can be a little limiting.)
Shortyz (I now suggest this over my previous crossword puzzle suggestion. It has autodownloads of a huge number of puzzles. There are a few bugs, but it's open source, so if he doesn't fix them, I can.)
IMDB (They finally came out with an official app. All the other ones sucked because they were just renderings of the web page, since they keep a tight rein on their community-provided data. Which would tend to imply that the official app will suck, too, but it's actually pretty good. My only complaint is that there's not a search box right on the opening screen.)

There are a large number of "remember things for me" apps, like Evernote (which is one of them), which seems like a great fit for a smartphone, but, so far, I've not been happy with any of them. They all seem to suck in one way or another. Ones I've played with at least a little so far include: Evernote, 3banana, Springpad, XeekuNote.
Bitt Faulk