I don't see why it couldn't work on the iPhone. The only question is whether it will get approved. That part seems to be up to the whim of whatever person at Apple gets the app in front of them on a given day.

But they seem to be getting better at letting apps in the store. They still have gaffes now and then, but it seems like they're easing up a bit. I never thought Opera would get in, for example. Perhaps they feel more pressure to let big-profile apps like Opera and Swype into the store?

I've been using Swype for about a month, and while I like it quite a bit, I'm still getting used to it. It's funny, but what I've found myself doing is typing on the Swype keyboard one letter at a time for shorter words, and then using Swype for longer words. I think the main problem is that I'm just not very accurate, so when I'm typing short words there are more possibilities for what that word might be. But longer words have more distinct patterns, and Swype seems to get those about 99% of the time.

I also want to try out another new keyboard that was released recently called Swiftkey.