Originally Posted By: mlord
I think Doug Robotic also complained about the fade-in delay once.. now we have a fix for it.

I've been happily running a Greasemonkey script- Disable Google Fade-in

Doug didn't understand why I was annoyed with having to move the mouse to get the menu to appear. All I could muster was that it was just annoying to have to wait for my clicking target to appear before moving towards the target.
At last I have another answer that is stronger than my first- on my Samsung Q1-U tablet I have no mouse to move, per se.
Yes, I can control the cursor with a joystick or with a usb mouse, but if I've got the stylus in my hand or I just want to poke at things with my fingers... well, the links kinda need to be there up front to poke at!
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)