Hi everyone,

I run a personal web/email/DNS server and a few friends have their sites on this machine. The server is 10+ years old and I'm upgrading the hardware. I was wondering what you all think about an idea I have for changing my DNS configuration.

I'm currently running a split-horizon configuration with two views: one for the world with my external IP address, and one for the LAN with the local IP of the server. The network has one static IP address and everything uses NAT to access the internet. I forward the mail, web and DNS ports to the server at the router.

It occurred to me that I wouldn't need to do this. I could use an external DNS service and have A and MX records point to my IP address, and just use a single view internally for local name resolution. Then I can close up the DNS port and not need to worry about keeping bind all up to date for security reasons. Am I missing something here? This ought to work just fine, right? Just have the authoritative DNS service on the internet point MX records to my IP address and everything should continue uninterrupted?

Assuming this seems like a good idea to you, do you have a DNS service you would recommend? I can probably just use the DNS services at the registrar, but these domains are registered at multiple registrars because several of them are for friends who registered their own domain names.

Thanks for your thoughts on this potentially stupid question...


Edited by TigerJimmy (10/08/2010 17:39)