Ignore the people who are getting upset. If Canon had released it named to fit into the range above the other plastic bodied SLRs then those same people would be raving about what a great upgrade to the Rebel/550D it is.

It looks like it is going to be a great camera, not that there are any bad DSLRs nowadays.

DSLRs are frustratingly durable. I've got a Canon 10D that I bought in 2003. I'd love to replace it with a 7D and thought for a few seconds earlier this year that I had the perfect chance. I dropped my camera while running down a solid wood floor corridor.

It hit the floor hard and rolled for 30 feet. The cheap plastic 50mm lens on it broke, but the camera was completely unharmed.

Whether the plastic bodied ones are as robust I'm not sure, I've only ever owned this one.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday