Hi All,

Ok, I'm using jemplode to download my empeg files to my NAS. A few things:

1) Hm. I didn't realize that characters like "?" and others are ALLOWED on OSX and were NOT allowed in the Windows world... That's gonna make things interesting for me...

2) Something is weird with jemplode and downloading. I have my settings as follows:

* Filename format is: {artist} - {source} - {tracknr:2} - {title}{ext}
* Download with full path is selected
* Write ID3v2 Tags to downloaded files is selected
* Remove ID3v1 Tags is unchecked

For some reason, jemplode insists on creating subdirectories where there should be none...

For example, in the file: "Andrew Bird - Music Of Hair - 07 - Ratitat_Peter's Wolf_Oblivious.mp3," jemplode is creating a subdir called "Andrew Bird - Music Of Hair - 07 - Ratitat" and under that, "Peter's Wolf" and then creating an mp3 in that directory called "Oblivious.mp3"

What the heck is going on?

- Thanx!
- Jon