10.6.6 and the Mac App Store launched yesterday, and already some post launch news out there about it.

Pixelmator (a Photoshop lite program for basic image manipulation) has already moved to an App Store only model. This might turn into my first paid app purchase through the store, as I've been hearing good things about it and missed out on one of the bundles it was in recently.

Also, lots of tabloid style headlines floating around about the store being cracked already. Seems in this particular case, it's trivial to pirate Angry Birds and some other apps, due to them failing to implement the proper checks in their app per the Apple store guidelines. Embedded into each app (including the free ones) is a receipt that contains the DRM piece indicating who bought the app and for what app the receipt is for. If someone copies the receipt from a free app into the Angry Birds app, it will run, as it only verifies a valid receipt is present. It doesn't check to make sure the receipt is for the Angry Birds app like it should.

For now, I've grabbed the Twitter client, and TextWrangler from the store. It's also recognizing my installed iWork 09 and iLife 09 apps, but I'm not sure if Apple will transition to releasing updates via the App Store, or continue to send me updates via the system Software Update utility. It doesn't show these in my purchased app list, so I still need to use the original media to install it on a new Mac.