Does it pop when you have the empeg volume turned right down? Is it relative to the empeg volume, or independent?

Hmm, I don't know. It's at boot-up, so there's no "volume" that I know about. It does seem to be intermittent, so maybe it's related to whatever volume the unit was set to at last powerdown. I will check.

And as far as the "0 sample", it's not playing anything at all yet, it was just starting to boot. How could it have anything but a 0 sample?

Note that I think this only happens when Voladj intitializes at boot time. If I do it from selecting "quit" on the player software and dropping to the shell (or a shell script) and invoking ioctl, I don't think I get the pop. I think it only happens at boot. And it happens even if I don't use ioctl, it happens if all I've done is install the Voladj kernel.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris