All of this would be a non-issue (for Nouveau, at least) if Nvidia would simply tell us how to switch GPUs back and forth. But they point blank refuse to do so.

Which hurts them more than they realize.. Intel is already destroying the GPU market, by integrating their own GPUs onto the processor dies, and by restricting access to the high speed interconnects that an external GPU would need.

So "hybrid-graphics" is just a temporary glitch for Intel, until their own GPUs get good enough to replace Nvidia's. And since Nvidia isn't is actively not-helping make hybrid usable/popular for non-MS systems, they're just speeding up the death of hybrid graphics. And eventually their own demise (along with AMD's ATI division, and what's left of Matrox, etc..).


Edited by mlord (21/01/2011 13:46)