Originally Posted By: mlord
That's your problem. "normal player firmware" cannot handle big drives (anything over 128GB). You *must* use a Hijack-based firmware package with that drive.

Redo the builder again, and then install a hijack-based firmware package directly afterwards, watching carefully for error messages and the like.

Ah, bingo, got ya, thanks for that then. Won't the hijack f/w get overwritten when I do the .upgrade file as well? (Or am I confusing the .upgrade with the .zimage files? Can never keep them straight.)


Edit: Nevermind guys - I found a second backup folder that had the hijack .upgrade file (v508 I believe) - When I upgraded the first time I had forgotten that I had those files, and like mlord said - I used the wrong one. All is good now. Sorry for bugging!

Edited by Coyttl (04/02/2011 21:53)