Originally Posted By: wfaulk
I was even assuming that you'd have a single DHCP server for the whole setup, and it still won't work then.

Yeah, I wish. I really need to give you some background:

Remember when I was getting help from you guys for designing a network for a building that was going up? Well, we ordered all the equipment, all totaling around 10 grand, but as the building was being completed, Comcast was still dragging their feet on getting us connected.

Long story short, after a month of constantly hounding them (they were well over their promised install date by about 45 days), they came back to tell us that there was a crushed conduit under the street and there was nothing they could do about it. Apparently that was the word from Verizon, and that was that. They canceled our contract and left us holding the $10,000 bag. We have this great network and nothing to connect it to.

After two weeks without TV and internet for 16 college students, which I can't fathom for a generation that grew up on the web, the program director decided to look into wireless as an option.

Currently, there is a Clear modem on each of the four floors of the building (students in three of them). They got three so there would at least be a little more bandwidth to share - about 6Mbps it total for each modem.

This will work for now, while there are 16 students in the building (though it's not great with 1Mbps upload), but there's going to be 25 students this summer and possibly the full capacity of 42 next fall. I'm trying to call everybody I can think of in order to get them a real internet connection in there. I have Verizon trying to sell me a $4,500 ethernet solution, and I suspect they wouldn't be able to get it into the building anyway! Fios was supposed to roll out in DC starting 3 years ago, but due to city politics I'd be surprised if it was in any homes yet.

I'm tearing my hair out over this. It's incredible to me that in a major metropolitan city, we can't get high speed internet. Here's a map of the location. The building is in the middle of that triangle, and while I admit that it's not exactly the center of DC, it takes about two minutes to drive to the heart of the business district of NW DC from there. This is just awful, and I don't seem to have any recourse...