I really want to know if anyone else here is having trouble with Youtube. For some reason, most of the videos I try to watch either take forever to load, or most of the time they just simply STOP. Why the hell would that happen? Why would the video just cease to load at all? It's highly annoying.

It doesn't seem to matter what the quality setting is. I can bump it down to 240p and videos will still stop loading. I currently have a video set to 240 that hasn't stopped, but it's been loading for 10 minutes now and the video its self is only 4.5 minutes.

I've cleared my browser cache and my flash storage (I think, it's hard to tell with the terrible flash settings window), and I've tried multiple browsers. I've tried using my ISP's DNS and I've tried Google's own DNS. Still, I get videos just stopping part of the way through!

Is anyone else experiencing this? Does anyone have suggestions for fixing this? I know Youtube is one of the highest bandwidth sites on the web, but it seems like if this were happening for many people there would be more of an out cry. I have a very fast connection, and I've downloaded a file at 3MBps at one point, so the speed issues shouldn't be on my end.

What do I do?

Edited by Dignan (19/04/2011 20:37)