I have two documents I need to change.

One is a heavily formatted email (not an attachment). You've seen the type -- a trip confirmation filled with little boxes and tables and tabs and God knows what else. This was forwarded to me with the request that I print it for her with a larger font size, as when she prints it out herself the words are too small for her to read.

The other is a PDF file, with the same request.

I thought I'd just copy the email into the clipboard, paste it into MS Word, then do a global change on the type size from 8pt to 16 pt. This works, but it seems like each of the dozens of little boxes has its own margin or tab or ?? settings, and even though the letters are now nice and big, the formatting is so trashed that the document itself is indecipherable. Sigh...

I have Adobe Acrobat 9 in my computer, and I thought that there surely must be a way of re-sizing the type in the PDF document, but if there is I'm not smart enough to figure it out.

I am at the point of desperation now, I only have a couple of hours to figure this out. I'm even thinking of printing the email, scanning it and saving it as a .png file and then resizing the graphics file and printing it on legal sized paper in landscape mode. But that's the desperation speaking, I think.

Obviously I need a completely different plan of attack for this. How should I be thinking about this?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"