Hey, wild.. I was just looking over the Hijack change logs, and noticed that I apparently included a ktelnetd at some point.

Wow.. no recollection of that whatsoever! But it actually works!

static int
ktelnetd_handle_connection (server_parms_t *parms)
        static char shell[] = "/bin/bash";
        static char *envp[] = { "HOME=/", "TERM=ansi", "PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin", NULL };
        char *argv[] = { shell, "--login", "-i", NULL };
        int sockfd, errno;

        // we don't need the original server socket here
        //close(parms->servsock);  /* not a file descriptor */

        // Allow syscall args to come from kernel space

        // cd to home directory

        // set up stdin,stdout,stderr to all point at the socket
        sockfd = get_fd(parms->clientsock->inode);

        // toss garbage (unsupported protocol leftovers) from client side
        read(sockfd, parms->buf, sizeof(parms->buf));

        // free the client parms structure now that we're done with it
        free_pages((unsigned long)parms, 1);

        // launch the shell.  FIXME: do this on a pty someday, to get job control goodies working
        errno = execve(shell, argv, envp);      // never returns
        if (!hijack_silent)
                printk(KERN_ERR "ktelnetd_handle_connection: failed, errno = %d\n", errno);
        return -errno;

Edited by mlord (20/07/2011 11:43)