Originally Posted By: gbeer
It may be just the area I live in, but none of the community colleges offer courses for Java.

All the cool kids are doing Python (Django) and Ruby (on Rails) these days. That's when they're not doing Javascript (either in the browser, or on node.js). The language hipsters are using Erlang, Haskell, and F#.

A large amount of enterprise software is still done in Java, as is Android development. .NET (i.e. C#) ate a lot of Java's enterprise lunch. If you want to program for iOS, it's Objective-C.

A massive amount of code was, is, and will continue to be, written in C and C++, not that they're that similar any more.

I guess what I'm saying is: languages are a fashion thing. Programming itself will continue. Learn a couple of different types of programming language, and a couple of different styles of programming and you'll never want for Mountain Dew again.
-- roger