Very sad to read this news. I'm not what most would consider a true Apple guy, I only started using the platform this year. But that doesn't mean I haven't known the company or Jobs for the last 25 years or so. There are only a few men like him out there, so it's very sad to see him go. 56 is way too young anyway. The only other name I can think of that reaches his level of fame and ability is Bill Gates, but Gates never had the charisma Jobs had.

I really hope that Apple, as a company, will honor his legacy and continue down the set out path, proving they are not a "one-man company". It almost went down the drain once after they kicked Jobs out in a very ungrateful way, but then he came back to save the day, and the company. Sadly, this will never be the case now anymore.

I've taken this opportunity to read up on him and his life, and it was truly remarkable. For all those who have never seen it, I can really recommend his 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech.

RIP Steve!
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