Well I just installed a new developer image and I thought it would set it back to a blank playlist too but it didn't. After the upgrade it continues to try to play the wav file and it completely locks up the player. None of the buttons or the remote work whatsoever. I can't even power the damn thing down. Emplode wont connect either. I can however get a prompt over the serial port but I have no idea how to make anythingin empeg work from the command prompt. I tried looking at tthe files sizes and dates on the fids maybe to try and find the wave files and delete them, but the number of utilities in /bin are very limeted. There is no file command, no way to mount a remote filesystem or any way to edit a file as far as I can see. Right now I have a dead player and cannot seem to get it out of this lockup.

[stop the technology madness]
[stop the technology madness]