Originally Posted By: gbeer
The unique values op, just hides various rows. Fill doesn't work across the skips.
Yeah, that thought occurred to me as I was falling asleep last night. I hadn't noticed the missing row numbers when I looked at the result. That makes a real ugliness in the result, doesn't it?

It's fixable by copying the spreadsheet into the clipboard, then doing a "Paste Special" to a new location and deleting the original columns. Pretty kludgy, though.

Originally Posted By: gbeer
I thought about suggesting a fill sort filter unique values - but could not figure how to make sure the original data was chosen over the new rows. Is the choice of unique records a first found first chosen kind of operation.
Yes, because the filter criteria is column "C" only. Since we sorted on column "C" before we filtered, and because Excel sorts blank records after non-blanks, the filter retains the first row (with the data in it) based on column "C" criteria but deletes hides any duplicates.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"