Bruno - my problem is that I don't like iPads at all, and even my kids, when I took them to an HMV for a half hour to kill some time before an appointment) played with an iPad for a short while but were much more interested in the Samsung Galaxy and the HP.

I could say iPads are shit because I don't like them. They blatantly are not though, and they are right for a large population of the world - obviously.

For me and others, many Android devices are good. There are some bad ones - you have a wide range so there is a wide range of types, builds etc, as opposed to Apple, who can concentrate on one build (which they eventually get right after the first mistakes with each platform)

Apple just do too many things wrong with these devices for me to like them, so while I would recommend an iPad to someone like my wife, I wouldn't recommend it to any of my technical friends. The two that were early adopters have since bought android tablets as iPads restrict them too much.

As ever - YMMV, but be aware that others have different viewpoints to you.
MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock