I finally bit the bullet and upgraded my Microsoft Office 2003. No, I didn't update to MS Office 2010. That's only been out for two or three years now, and I didn't want to be right on the bleeding edge of new software technology. No sense rushing into these things -- I don't go looking for trouble.

No, I got a really good deal on an MS Office 2007. It's different from what I'm used to, so it can't be any good, but I guess I can force myself to live with the changes. Actually, some of the changes I see in Excel are pretty cool, although I've really only spent a few minutes poking around in it.

But the reason I write is... something peculiar (and very good!) happened to my Windows Photo Gallery after I did the update. For years I cursed WPG, because after changing from Windows XP to Windows Vista, the scroll wheel on my mouse would no longer zoom the image. (I think XP [and Windows 7] have a different photo viewer, called Windows Photo Viewer, and only Vista has Windows Photo Gallery.) Now, after the MS Office update, my scroll wheel once again works to zoom images.

Is WPG somehow tied into MS Office? Is this why I can now zoom images with the scroll wheel?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"