Yes it's an AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo N36L Dual-Core Processor running at 1.3GHz. However it should be capable of maxing out a gigabit connection. The slower 1.5TB drives report 90MB/sec and the faster 2TB ones report about 130MB/sec raw read speed with hdparm.

The system cost me $170 plus $50 for some extra RAM (unRAID doesn't use swap and the unit only came with 1GB which wasn't enough once I started running Crashplan let alone the VMs) and something like that again for the unRAID license.

Almost all access is via samba shares to Windows 7 or XP machines.

So I don't know exactly why the slowish speeds but a local same disk to same disk copy is only of the order of 10MB/s. I expect this is coming from the fuse.shfs i.e. it's running in user space based on Mark's comments in the other thread. That local copy runs the Atom CPU pretty much to the maximum available so that's probably my limiting factor. Edit: There is probably some significant overhead in the RAID calculations on a write too. It shouldn't affect read though.

A "dd if=<large file> of=/dev/null" runs about 60MByte/sec though (made sure it wasn't cached).

All that said almost all my access is over a 802.11n x2 connection so the fastest I ever see is about 15Mbyte/sec throughput anyway. So it hasn't really bothered me all that much.

Edited by Shonky (28/06/2012 20:13)
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)