I have a quite substantial electronic library, built up over the past 5 years or so, consisting of audio books and ebooks.

I keep an index of the books in a single color-coded Excel file with all sorts of data, such as author, title, series, which members of the family have read the book, the source of the book, whether the book is duplicated as both ebook and audio book (there are 535 books in that category, about 10% of the total), and...

Each of the audio books has a synopsis attached as a comment to the book title cell. The ebooks do not. I can copy the synopses from the 535 matching audio books to the appropriate ebooks, but that still leaves more than 2000 ebooks to "synopsisize".

So now the question: Does anybody know of a website similar in concept to imdb.com, but for books rather than movies? (For those unfamiliar with imdb.com, they have information about and plot synopses of just about every movie ever made.) If I could go to a single website to find synopses of the ebooks I have, it would save me a great deal of time and trouble.



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Edited by tanstaafl. (19/07/2012 00:40)
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"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"