Originally Posted By: Dignan
Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Frankly I'm surprised the FTC in the US allows that term to be used at all. It's a much bigger stretch than calling a 41.5" display 42"

At least this is something the stores are good about. From what I've observed, they would usually list a TV like that as "42" class," and then list the actual dimensions. I assume they do this to get better yields on the glass?

I suspect it's just marketing taking best advantage of conversions from metric to inch.
I've never tried to find out how diligent the engineers are about trying it make the panels work out to any exact overall size. I suspect its more dominated by the pixel counts multplyed by the cell sizes.

Also, while getting better yields from the glass is considered somewhere, the raw glass is the cheapest part of a panel. Not to mention that the glass makers, if you are buying enough, will provide any size material desired.