Originally Posted By: drakino
Do they pay you if you put excess capacity back into the grid? Could help pay off the panels quicker with the minimum of six.
Yes and no.

They won't pay cash for electricity I put back into the grid, they will give me a credit on future electric bills but I have already factored that into the amortization schedule. What frustrates me is this: The Mexican government subsidizes very heavily the first 100 or so kWh to help out the really poor citizens. Even TWO solar panels would put me into that subsidized rate structure, and adding four more panels, while cutting my annual electric cost by more than half, would still save me just $138 ($USD) per year compared to having just two panels.

Billing with Current usage with A/C 2 hours per day for two months::: $855 annual cost. (on the DAC rate)
Billing with Add two solar panels with A/C 2 hours/day for 2 months:: $230 annual cost. 3.2 year amortization
Billing with Add four more solar panels the same A/C for two months: $ 92 annual cost. 8.6 year amortization

Four additional panels cost $3659 extra, and will save me $138/year. It would take more than 26 years to make up the difference between 2 panels and 6 panels and I would be 93 years old by then. As was said, two panels would be a no-brainer. Six panels... I'll have to think about that one. Another way to think of it is that I would spend $3659 to save $11 per month on my electric bill.

I have the solar people coming over to see me next week, and we'll talk about alternatives. Most commercial solar panels produce 18 volts per panel, although specialized panels can be of other voltages, at considerable expense. I think I'll be restricted to the six panel minimum. We'll have to see.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"