Originally Posted By: hybrid8
1. You wanted to retrieve the recording and place a copy on your computer
2. You wanted to delete the original from the iPhone

That should normally be straight forward.

Close, but what I wanted should have been even more straightforward. All I wanted was for iTunes to behave normally and sync the voice memos the way it's supposed to: which is to place a copy in iTunes. I didn't necessarily want to delete it off the iPhone after that.

When I last used this feature the memos would appear under the iPhone in the source list on the left column every time I connected the phone to iTunes. Simply drag the memo to the desktop or into another playlist in iTunes.

I had tried dragging the memo from the iPhone into the voice memos playlist. I tried dragging it into the library. I tried dragging it anywhere, and nothing reacted. That was even more frustrating. It wasn't working automatically, and I had no manual recourse for it.

Currently running the latest iOS 5.x voice memos are not appearing when I connect my iPhone to iTunes wirelessly. This seems to match what you were seeing.

You might be on to the cause of the problem here, as my wife had switched over to wireless syncing when she got her 4S. We never knew the voice memo syncing was a problem because she'd never made one before.

Solution: Use third-party software to retrieve the files - there are a half dozen or more iPhone file browsers available that should do the job. Then delete the memos from the Voice Memo app directly.

Yeah, that seemed to be the direction I was headed towards. Clearly I hate to do that when it certainly looks like it should be work better than this. As it is, it looks like I have no choice but to delete it from the phone because it won't stop creating a new copy on the computer. I'll make sure the file is backed up then delete it from Apple's software's grasp.

Thanks for the assistance.