I'm already a fan of Ziplist, which does the same thing without the extra hardware device. My phone can scan the barcodes or take voice dictation and put the shopping list in the cloud.

This device looks like it would do it simpler and faster than the phone though! One button scanning and voice recognition. Not bad. Right now I have to unlock my phone, select the Ziplist app, wait the precious 3-4 seconds while the app launches, and then do a couple of taps to scan or speak. If this device shortens all of that, that'd be awesome.

Here's the trick, the main thing that I'd need it to do: Shared shopping lists. In other words, more than one user, each with their own user name and password, can currently log into ZipList and we can share our shopping lists with each other. For instance, we have a household grocery list and a household hardware list that we share with each other. This is the hyper-critical feature!

And you'd want the web-based alternate entry system that lets you poke stuff into the shopping list while you're away from the device.

If they've got those things, I'm interested.
Tony Fabris