Okay, I know how to do some of this on a Windows machine, but I'm not great with the Mac.

A family friend just recently found that her entire iPhoto library had been deleted. Apparently she was adding some photos from a GMail message and got some sort of notice that she should rename her library. After doing some other things (I'm getting a vague recount here), she soon found that everything was gone. Naturally, she's distraught because she had four years of photos of her very young daughters on there. She was using Time Machine but when she called Apple support for help, they went in and looked and found that Time Machine was - for some unknown reason - not backing up her photos.

So that's where we are. What can I do to help her? I've been trying to use this program called "Disk Drill," but while that seems to be finding some files, they don't seem to be ones inside the library, but ones that were brought over from an old computer and others taken with cell phones that got put onto her computer somehow.

I currently have the drive out of her MacBook and hooked up to my MacBook (so as not to write over anything). Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.