So my wife and I just bought a house in the end of September. As is expected, we're fixing up all the problems it has (and the problems we've caused - I won't go into that).

There's a minor issue, though, that's frustrating me. We have a powder room with a faucet that blasts water. Clearly, the previous owner didn't like the aerator at the end of the faucet and removed it. While I can understand that thinking if the aerator is really restrictive, it's far better than what we have now, which is a faucet that sprays water like crazy. You can easily see where water has stained the paint on the walls on either side of the pedestal sink.

The problem I'm running into when trying to find a replacement aerator (I think that's what the part is called...maybe a restrictor?) is that I have no idea what brand the faucet is. There isn't a single logo or marking of any kind on any part of the faucet. I've looked at online faucet distributers, Home Depot, Lowes, Amazon, etc, and cannot find anything remotely similar. I've even contacted a couple online faucet sellers and they haven't been able to identify it.

So what do I do? Any thoughts on a better strategy for finding the manufacturer? How standard do you think these aerator parts are?

I've attached a photo of the faucet in question.

