Originally Posted By: mlord
I'm a bit embarrassed by all of the "store bought modules", rather than having rolled it entirely on my own from bare chips. But they're so incredibly cheap to buy that way! Cheaper than the bare parts (by a long way). Eg. about $4 for the SPI-to-ethernet bridge module, DELIVERED! Or less than $2 for the DC-to-DC converter board.



Hah, yeah....the problem with that for me is that I'm lazy when it comes to wiring stuff together or using veroboard, I get bored after about 2 minutes!

For this reason most of the stuff we design has i2c+power broken out to a header (even if not populated) just incase we need to try something out or add some extra functionality at a later date - or just want to have a play with some other bit of circuit.

To me this (embedded) is where computing becomes fun again, it's like the (g)olden days of computing for me, the BBC micro, Sinclair Spectum, Archimedes where everything was bare metal.

I find it very hard to get enthused about writing desktop software anymore.