I've gone through a bunch of gadgets in this space. My problem is that I've got an Ethernet cable running from the home router (upstairs, in a closet, where all the home wires converge) to the home theater (downstairs, where we spend a lot of time). I want all the boxes in the equipment rack to use the hardwired connection, and I also want an AP to serve that corner of the house, which isn't reached very well from the base station in the router upstairs.

I first used a D-Link 1522, which is "dual band" only in the sense that you can throw a software switch and it will poorly support 5GHz rather than properly supporting 2.4GHz. Eventually that burned out. I replaced it with a cheap Asus 2.4GHz-only router, which has a dumb switch / AP mode. That's currently doing the job, but not as well as I'd like.

I'm tempted to try one of the newer D-Link boxes, like the 1533 or 1525, but it's unclear whether either of them does proper simultaneous dual band. (When in doubt, assume not.) My general assumption is that anything that offers itself as a "router" will not do the job I want (be a dumb switch plus an AP), at least not without custom firmware. I'll note that I have a limited number of plugs, and a limited amount of space, so it's essential to have all of this functionality in a single box.

For what it's worth, the market seems to be calling these boxes "media bridges" or "gaming adapters". See, for example, TRENDnet, Buffalo, and Linksys's entries in this space. None promise "simultaneous" dual band.

If I'm missing something here, please feel free to chime in.