Originally Posted By: robricc
This is all very interesting and reminds me of what happened in the US during the mid to late 1990s. There was some sort of legislation passed that further deregulated the phone companies and forced them to lease space to competing data services inside the local switching station.

Not the same thing -- it's missing the critical detail that separates transit from the Telco's own ISP business.

We have a similar situation to you here in Ontario, Canada -- the incumbents (Telco, CableCos) are required to sublet their connections, but they also still run their own ISP businesses. The amounts they charge thirty-party internet access providers (TIPAs) is an order of magnitude higher than what they "charge" their own ISP business units.

Ugly, but at least we still have somewhat of a choice.
It would be so much better if we had true separation of wholesale transit from retail ISP.