I've posted a thread or two here before about my complete inability to play first person shooters. I get unbearably motion sick after a surprisingly short amount of time, and consequently I haven't been able to enjoy some of the best games of the last 15 years.

For example, to date I have played approximately 45 minutes of Half Life 2. This has taken me at least 5 sessions to accomplish. After each session, I have to go lie on a couch for at least 30 minutes to recover.

I have tried some things to ameliorate this condition, from playing with a small viewing window to even taking Dramamine, and nothing I've tried works.

What I'd like to try instead is seeing how much of a game I can watch being played. I think I could at least get through a lot more of a game viewing it than playing/viewing. I watched the last battle of Portal 1 like this, and didn't really have any problems. I don't want to do this for every game, just ones with that extra level of story that I'd like to experience but can't. The game that prompted this question is, of course, Bioshock Infinite, but others I'd be interested in are games like Bioshock 1, Portal 1/2, and maybe seeing if I could finally experience the end (and middle...and second half of the beginning) of Half Life 2.

Does anyone know where I could find this sort of thing? I've looked around Youtube, but I can't really find what I'm looking for. I don't want the player talking over the video, and I'm hoping for something that's pretty much a complete playthrough, not just a set of tutorials.