Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
I have (and need) nine different connectors on the device ends [...] Standard-A

Any USB device using Standard-A as a slave port is a witch. Burn it.

Originally Posted By: Roger
I usually make use of the USB hubs that are included in my monitors.

I've got a Dell U3011W, and as a monitor it's just lovely: a huge step up from the Apple Cinema Display that I had before. But its onboard firmware is an absolute festival of "yes, this is technically a way of doing it, but it's very clearly the wrong way". There are programmable buttons that you can assign functions to (tick) but although you can assign "bring up the inputs menu" to them, you can't assign actual entries on the inputs menu (slap). And, which is what made me bring it up, it has a built-in USB hub (tick) which when the monitor is turned (soft) off, doesn't become an unpowered hub, it just goes dead along with all downstream devices (slap).
