The AFCI breakers that govern the bedrooms in my house occasionally nuisance-trip, and I'm pretty sure that we don't have anything bad plugged into them. I'd like to replace the breakers with new ones, just to be sure that the problem isn't the breakers.

Google is good at giving me the information on how to do the replacement. The hardware store down the street has the exact same model of AFCI breaker, which is this one.

However, I notice one thing that's different, and I'm having trouble getting Google to give me a clear answer on this one. On my breakers, in very fine print on the label, under the letters "AFCI", there is small text saying "10kA". The ones at the hardware store, pictured at the URL linked above, say "22kA" in the same spot.

Is that the "trip" rating for the AFCI portion of the breaker? If so, does that mean that 22 is harder to trip than 10? If so, then wouldn't I *want* the 22 so that it doesn't nuisance-trip as often?
Tony Fabris