Originally Posted By: tfabris
Originally Posted By: Dignan
HP is the devil. I despise their printers. They're still trading off the quality of their products from 15 years ago. I swear, every client of mine that buys an HP (against my advice) does so because they remember that IIp they had in 1994. I can't convince them that these new printers are the farthest thing from those old workhorses that you can get.

I'll try to remember that. I, too, loved the HP printers from the 90's because they were terribly reliable. So if shopping for a new printer, I'd probably lean in that direction if it weren't for your advice here.

To be fair, I should say that a great deal of my disdain comes from the software side of things. HP installs a gargantuan amount of crap just to get the printer set up. It's FAR too heavy.

But no, the hardware isn't good anymore either. I've seen a ton of them go bad after a very short time (less than two years).

I think HP has smartly (from a marketing standpoint) kept up their presence in brick and mortar stores. For some reason, it seems like most people get their printers in person. I guess they want to see how much space it'll take on a desk. Consequently whenever I walk into Best Buy or [especially] Microcenter, HP has by far the largest presence, usually be a factor of two or three.


I did love that IIp printer, though. That thing was a tank (in build and weight), and sipped toner.

Edited by Dignan (22/10/2013 17:21)