Originally Posted By: Cris
Don't trust a Drobo, I've lost data because I trusted Drobo.

Start again and come up with another solution, Drobo sucks!

Here's the thing, I get that people have had bad experiences with the Drobo, but it seemed like this was one of the better options in this case. Besides, the whole thing is getting backed up so the Drobo isn't the only place this data is going to live.

Besides, if I went with any other USB-attached storage device, I'm not so sure I wouldn't have the exact same problem.

In the end, I'm thinking the answer might be the old "nuke from orbit" approach...

Originally Posted By: tfabris
I am disappointed to see that Synology doesn't have a Carbonite backup app. But they do have a few other cloud backup options, including one that sounds particularly clever: http://www.symform.com/

If done correctly, their concept of unlimited free peer-to-peer backup could be amazing. I don't think enough people will buy into it though. Personally, the idea that all of my personal data is residing on someone else's disk drive... even if I know it's encrypted... is scary.

Thanks for the suggestions, Tony. I've seen that page and those options didn't really appeal to me. Of the three options (Time Backup isn't a cloud backup), the only viable one seems to be Amazon Glacier.

Symform simply wouldn't fly with my clients.

HiDrive is both too expensive and not big enough. My current client already needs about 700GB of backup space, and they top out at 500GB.

Amazon Glacier is appealing and shouldn't be too costly... but it's just not what I'm looking for.

Really all I want is a Crashplan app for Synology. I would sell so many Synology drives and Crashplan subscriptions if this existed. Crashplan is far and away my favorite of the cloud backup services, and I've been really impressed with Synology's products. If I had the two of those together it would be perfect.

There has been some effort from users to place the Crashplan backup engine on Synology devices, but they're just not all there yet (unsuported and tricky to install).

Oh well, I'll keep trying. I've been checking in on the computer I set up for the client, and it's running like a top. I've had it backing up to Crashplan every night and so far *knocks on wood* it's been working great. IMO, this means that the Drobo isn't at fault here...