What does the EQ in 9a currently have as the Q on each band in 4-channel mode vs 2-channel mode? And did this change since 8c? I know there was a brief problem with setting the bands properly between 9 and 9a.

All versions from 7b should have the same Q coefficients calculated. The first beta 8 had problems with the band centres being incorrectly defaulted and not reading old presets, but there should be no behaviour changes in the current versions (hopefully).

Currently, Q adjusts automatically with gain so that lowering a band to -30dB (for example) doesn't take with it most of the rest of the spectrum. Unfortunately it means a lot of spectrum leaks through. However... I've been playing with making a UI for true parametric operation (modify gain/q/freq independently). If you really want some frequencies attenuated that far, I'd recommend using two bands at the same centre frequency (or slightly apart).

Full parametric operation should make it into the next release (but no promises - I haven't tested it much yet).

- John.

(The above may not represent the views of empeg :)