Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
But typing emails or typing hre i the BS I do. I am leavig this post ucorrected so you can see the problem. I count seven missing letters in the above sentences.

I've got an Acer S7 Ultrabook, which is a Core i5. It's stupid-quick. However, the keyboard and trackpad are shockingly bad. I'm not a particularly heavy-handed typist, but the S7 regularly double-types characters if I'm not paying it due respect.

However, after I've been using it for an hour or so, somehow I figure out the keyboard and it stops misbehaving. In the past I've used it for days at a time without problems.

My point is this: the price is no indicator of the keyboard quality (the S7 was far from cheap, but it is very very pretty). Also that, with a bit of use, your fingers will probably get used to the keyboard, with marginal loss of typing speed.

Can't seem to do anything about the shoddy trackpad, though...
-- roger