I love that ability too. I'm so often in situations where I can only take important calls, and the ability to see who's calling without taking my phone out of my pocket is important. It's so nice to be able to send people to voicemail from my watch.

I've also noticed that I'm less likely to take my phone out and put it on tables. It's a habit I've been trying to break, and the watch helps.

Dan, have you noticed the screen waking problem too? It's very frustrating to me.

I've also been having another weird issue: about half the time that I archive an email, it'll finish archiving, and then it just sits on that "Archive" button. I then swipe to the right again and there's the email that I just archived. I have to dismiss the notification too, which seems redundant. The rest of the time, when I archive an email it disappears from my watch and I'm brought back to the watch face or another notification.