I'm having trouble googling this one, I can't seem to find the right google search terms to get the question asked properly. Maybe because the words "and" and "or" are part of my search terms. I'm hoping that the Empeg Braintrust will know this one.

I have created a very basic Outlook rule which looks like this (this text is transcribed directly from the outlook rule description screen):
- Apply this rule after the message arrives
- from <source> or <source> or <source>
- and sent to <dest> or <dest> or <dest>
- move it to the "System Automated Messages" folder
- except if my name is in the To or CC box
- stop processing more rules

In this case, each <source> address is the email address of one of several different automated systems which spam the employees with automated messages related to the server performance, or the test systems, or the the build system, or the version control system, or whatnot. And each of the <dest> addresses is a group, like Developers, or Sales, or Managers, or somesuch.

Pretty straightforward rule, very simple, which SHOULD, if it did like it said, work fine to keep my mailbox focused on stuff that was sent to me directly, and fish through the automated spam in the "System Automated Messages" (aka spambin) folder later.

Only it's not working like it said. On the third line there's something specific that it's not doing. The "AND SENT TO" part is not working right. Despite the fact that the rule description says "AND" there, it's not really an AND, it's behaving like an OR.

So it works fine most of the time, taking messages from "[email protected]" and sent to "[email protected]" and spambins them just fine, BUT... If an individual person (say, "[email protected]", who is not one of the designated <source> or <source> or <source> addresses) sends something to Developers, it also goes into my spambin. That's not how AND is supposed to work!

I want it so that the message has to have BOTH come from a spammer's source address AND sent to one of the designated group addresses, to be considered worthy of the spambin. According to the rule description, it should work that way, but it's not working that way.

What I can't figure out, is, using Outlook, how to force that to work how I want. The screen that lets me edit the rule sets doesn't seem to let me control that. There's just a tickybox for the senders and recipients.

Anyone know?
Tony Fabris