I have tried Noctua fans for my 100% silent server (under my home desk) and MythTV box (media room), but was surprised that they weren't completely silent.

My aim for fans is simple: large diameter, low RPM, no perceptible noise in a pretty quiet room.

For the slim fan under the drives in the MythTV box, I used a Kaze-Jyuni SCYTHE (120mmx12mm) Sy1212SL12H-P. Nominally 1200rpm, but I slowed it down further with a fat resistor. smile

I cannot find the spare 700rpm fan I bought for the server (dead silent) to see what brand it is (cannot find loads of stuff.. moving house is very stressful on memory..). EDIT: Found it: another SCYTHE fan: SP1225FDB12L. Didn't need to add any resistors to it either.


Edited by mlord (28/02/2016 12:46)