Glad you got it working!

That's a good way of displaying the clock, if you use the timed application. I also played with displaying the clock time on the screen in the same echo to disp: each line is 16 chars long, so you can pad the string out, inserting where appropriate the text (or variable) you want displayed.

My only concern was that of burn-in on the display. I don't know how good an idea it would be to have a pretty static display on for hours at a time. I suppose the player (when not showning a visual, anyway) does have a mainly fixed display, so maybe it's not much of an issue.

As for dimming it... not sure. I'm too much of a newbie at all this Linux game to be able to think of something off the top of my head - it may not even be possible from a script. I'll have a fiddle and see what I can find.

One thing I have found (told you I was a newbie) is how to avoid that dc.sed script - when I get a chance I'll amend the alarmclock script to avoid using it. I did think it was overkill, but it did the job, which was my main aim, and the Linux book on my desk didn't have any solutions for me! Got hold of a better one now, though!


Mark 2 #080000515
Was 12GB Blue, now 42GB Green!
