It's an odd blend of aspects of both Orwell and Huxley's view of the future.

We lack the book banning/burning aspect of Orwell's vision. Instead slipping more towards Huxley's view of people not wanting to read them due to too many other options. Hundreds upon hundreds of 24/7 TV channels, and now the wide open internet of near infinite "channels".

We have so much information at our fingertips, "truth (is) drowned in a sea of irrelevance" as Postman summarized.

And who knew that so much of that monitoring Orwell feared would be something people voluntarily, and eagerly joined? Just the other day Samsung offered to give me one of their droid things for free, as long as I allowed them to monitor and capture everything I do with it for 6 months. All with a nice friendly blue "I want to participate!" button beckoning to be clicked.