Originally Posted By: DWallach
The first question is to sort out what directory you're in (i.e., what's "."?). For what it's worth, I've now got all 140 of my sophomores working with Gradle, wherein you lay out your files in a standardized setup and then you can just type something cute like gradlew test and it will compile your code to a separate "build" directory and then run all your unit tests for you, reporting the failures. Very slick.

Thanks for the reply, I was writing out a response when I finally realised what I was doing wrong. I've sat here for ages looking at this and couldn't spot it.

The issue is that the import statement should have been:

import fred.bob.*

to import all classes, the error it was giving me was completely correct, package kestrel didn't exist because there was no class called io!

My brain is frazzled.

Now that I've solved the initial import, it's now parsing mike (I can see that if I turn on -verbose) but it's complaining that it can't find the mike class, so I've done something else stupid.

First hurdle over though.

I'm using javac by hand because our software tool which allows app development and test on simulated hardware is the IDE for app development (currently we make use of a much simpler virtual machine which is starting to make application development harder for people).

It's running on a very constrained microcontroller and I've implemented some of the most useful classes directly in 'C' for performance and saving of RAM. I realised that using javac with some of the other options I can remove all the bootstrap classes, so I can use our inbuilt implementations with stub classes in the SDK.

Many thanks, if it wasn't for your response I wouldn't have just realised my mistake!