In no particular order:

Pixel phones

I'm mixed about this. I've been a loooongtime supporter of the Nexus line. This does feel like a slight departure from that, despite getting all the same advantages. I am excited that I'll have a reasonably high-end phone for the first time in...maybe ever. I don't think it has the specs an iPhone 7 does, but it's close enough for me, someone who's dealt with mid-range phones since 2008 and is tired of waiting for his camera app to load. I don't care what their camera review site says, and I can't imagine that an 89 is that different from an 86, but as long as it's a good camera I'll be happy. I just want something that'll take a photo quickly so I don't miss yet another photo of my son doing something cute.

Chromecast Ultra

I have a Tivo Bolt now, and ever since then I've rarely used my Roku or Chromecast. I have last year's Chromecast, so 1080p is good enough for me. I'd like to have ethernet, though, so I might think about that down the road, but for now it's not a big deal.

Google WiFi

I'm not sure about this. I think it'll work, but I've been seeing negative reviews of Google's OnHub that reflect some of the issues I've had with mine. But Google's take on Eero, which is in its self a take on lower-end enterprise products like Unifi, could be a big hit for them. I have a lot of clients in my area with big homes where a product like this could improve some bad wifi problems.

I'm almost ready to switch routers, but probably not to another Google product. I'm pissed that they don't offer NAT loopback for some reason. This means that I have to have two "cameras" set up on my phone for my IP camera in our nursery. One works inside our house and the other when we're out. It's annoying.

Google Home

I would have already preordered this if it weren't for a single question I have about it: how does it work with two people?

Between the previous announcement of Google Home and today's presentation, they have never once talked about how it works with multiple users. Can it even? Will it distinguish between my wife and I? Will it tie into each of our accounts? Will it know not to respond to a guest in our home?

Daydream VR

I'm not a VR fan. Mostly I know it'll make me puke, so I'm just not into it. I also haven't been into gaming for years, so I have no interest in an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. But something like the Daydream appeals to me. I can definitely see using it as an immersive theater environment, especially on a plane or vacation. And that's good, because apparently I'm going to get a free one with my Pixel order. Nice!

So that's all I can think of. I'm sure other things will come back to me. Overall it was meh, especially for an even that started with Sundar listing the great epochs of tech history. This was not one.